13 research outputs found


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    This study aims to identify EQ (EQ) among university students. The seven domains being measured in this study are self-awareness, self-regulation, selfmotivation, empathy, social skills, maturity and spirituality. Respondents are 207 Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka students consisting of male students (N=207) and female students (N=56). All subjects responded to the Malaysian EQ Inventory (MEQI) questionnaire. Result from the study shows that there is a significant difference between male and female students in the social skills domain (M= 76.40, F= 72.77, p<.05) and maturity (M= 84.79, F= 80.77, p<.05). Keywords: EQ (EQ), self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, social skill

    Social Media Usage And Its Impact On Work Productivity At A Malaysian University

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    The ubiquity of social media at the workplace has motivated researchers to investigate its contribution to the work performance among employees. However, an investigation of this phenomena at a learning institution in Malaysia is still non-existence. Thus, this study aimed to explore the perceived impact of using social media to work productivity among employees at a particular university. A focus group interview among nine employees consisting of different job scope at an academic centre of a particular university has been conducted. Data were transcribed, coded and categorised using Nvivo Pro 11 software. The finding of this study showed the common social media used by the respondents are Whatsapp followed by email, Facebook, Youtube and Google via smartphone and desktop for work, notification and reminder purposes. Respondents highlighted the positive and negative impacts of using social media which affect their job productivity and showed different perceptions toward the relationship between the reasons of using social media and staff productivity. The findings were limited to a particular context hence generalising them to other context need to be done with caution. Further, this study can be considered as a preliminary study to gain further understanding of the impact of social media to work productivity

    The Challenges And Contribution Of Internet Of Things (IoT) For Smart Living

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    The evolution of Internet and advanced in ICT had led to the increasingly usage of Internet of Things (IoT) in various sectors and facilitated borderless connection in various fields. Contextualised within the development of Smart City, much have been reported on the challenges and contribution of using of IoT for smart living. This paper presents a review of the challenges and contribution of using IoT for smart living. Using a systematic method to analyse the literature, 31 articles have been selected for the review. It was found that the contributions of IoT surpass the challenges of using IoT. Two significant contributions have been identified, which are facilitating communication and improving safety as well as improving quality of life. Meanwhile, the main challenges of IoT implementation are issues related to security and privacy. It was also found that there is a lack of information related to the ways to overcome the challenges, although the challenges were discussed in length. This review provides an overview of the adoption of IoT for Smart Living, focusing on its challenges and contribution

    Vision Based Position Control For Vertical Take-Off And Landing (VTOL) Using One Singular Landmark

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    This project presents a vision based position control for Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) to recognise a singular landmark for landing and take-off. Position control can provide safe flight and an accurate navigation. The circle landmark which used is an artificial landmark at known locations in an environment. Initially, a camera mounted on VTOL facing downward detecting landmarks in environments. A single circle used as landmark and VTOL will be control the position to reach the landmark. The images from the down-looking camera provided vision data to estimates position of VTOL from landmark. A mathematical method based on projective geometry using to locate VTOL on desired landmark from projected point in capture image. By compute the x-y coordinates of the VTOL with respect to landmark, height of camera above landmark will be obtained. VTOL can localize itself in known environment with pose estimation from landmark. The graphic user interface system (GUI) generate by MATLAB software is used to communicate with VTOL to control the VTOL positio


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    As a new and young nation gained independence 50 years ago, there are many expectations about the new generation of citizen. One main foundation of building nationhood is in the area of education. Leaders, parents, employers and people on the street are talking about the state of education of the nation. Discussing about education, the focus would be the teachers – the engineers of tomorrow. What is their aspiration and conditions? Are they well equipped with the right tools, aptitude and attitude? Recent reports on teachers disruptive behaviors in the mass media called for urgent attention from the educational stakeholders. The increase in numbers of reported cases of misbehaving teachers would suggest many interlocking factors. One of the factors that may affect the teachers’ behavior is emotional stability. Emotional stability is crucial in facing challenges in the school environment. This study is trying to explore how the Malaysian teachers look at the emotional intelligence. This study aims to 1) identify components of emotional intelligence, 2) explore patterns that contribute to emotional intelligence, The study is conducted at 3 elite boarding schools which cater to cream of the crops students. Three teachers have consented to be participants in this case study design. The teachers consist are female teachers and their age from 30s and above. They are well experience teachers of more than ten years in service. Interview protocol was developed based on Goleman’s (1995) emotional intelligence construct. Three in-depth interviews are done. Using the protocol, teachers are asked about the concept of emotional intelligence. Data gathered was analyzed using NUD*IST software. The findings are a combination of what Goleman (1995, 1999) posited and a few new sub-factors emerged. These findings might be the emotional intelligence framework of Malaysian teachers. Keywords: education, emotional stability, emotional intelligenc


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    This exploratory study aims to identify the need of generic skills in the tourism industry in Melaka. The subjects consist of 70 front liners, male (N=29) and female (N= 41) who work at recreational and hotel sectors in Melaka. Subjects responded to the Social Inventory for Melaka Tourism Sector (Inventori Kemahiran Sosial Pekerja Pelancongan Melaka). The inventory has a fairly high reliability of 0.85 – 0.88, hence suggesting its pragmatic utility. Findings of the study show that Melaka tourism front liners views the importance of generic skills as follows; ethiques and knowledge (Min= 4.3, SD: .70), personality (Min= 3.9, SD: .68), attire (Min= 3.6, SD: .37) and language (Min= 3.6, SD: .49). Keywords: generic skills, tourism, hotel industry, researc

    Aplikasi gaya kepimpinan jurutera Muslim di negeri Melaka

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    Kajian ini bertujuan mengenalpasti gaya kepimpinan jurutera Muslim yang terdiri daripada gaya kepimpinan autokratik dan gaya kepimpinan demokratik di negeri Melaka. Kajian ini adalah berbentuk kajian tinjauan dan borang soal selidik digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian. Kebolehpercayaan instrumen kajian adalah pada nilai Alpha Cronbach (0.803). Seramai 340 orang jurutera Muslim berdaftar dengan Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia (BEM) dipilih sebagai sampel kajian dengan menggunakan kaedah persampelan bertujuan (purposive sampling) dan rawak mudah (simple randam sampling). Dapatan kajian dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Packages for Social Science 22.0 (SPSS 22.0). Manakala analisis terhadap gaya kepimpinan autokratik dan gaya kepimpinan demokratik menunjukkan bahawa gaya kepimpinan autokratik jurutera Muslim berada di tahap sederhana. Berbeza dengan tahap gaya kepimpinan demokratik ia berada di tahap yang tinggi. Kajian ini juga menunjukkan bahawa gaya kepimpinan demokratik (M=4.5550) adalah lebih dominan diamalkan berbanding gaya kepimpinan autokratik (M=2.7459) dalam kalangan jurutera Muslim di negeri Melaka


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    Apa sahaja penemuan yang diasaskan pihak Barat dianggap hebat dan mendapat tempat di hati masyarakat dunia. Ramai tidak sedar bahawa kemajuan yang dikecapi Barat adalah bermula daripada pihak lain dan diberi nafas baharu sehingga ia dirasakan begitu segar dan asli. Kajian konsep ini adalah bertujuan memperlihatkan bahawa teori gaya kepimpinan yang menjadi dokongan Barat sebenarnya adalah diadaptasi dari teori gaya kepimpinan Islam yang dijelmakan dengan imej baru sebagai penemuan baru seolah-olah ia tiada kaitan dengan Islam yang syumul. Kenyataan ini sejajar dengan kajian Abu Daud (2009: 17-20) telah menegaskan salah satu kumpulan terawal dari Iowa University telah mengenal pasti tiga jenis gaya kepimpinan seperti autokratik, demokratik dan laissez-faire (Lewin & Lippit, 1938). Abu Daud (2009: 17-20) turut menegaskan, ini adalah kajian mercu tanda yang telah berjaya mengenal pasti gaya kepimpinan yang terawal di barat. Kajian konsep ini juga membahaskan mengenai teori kepimpinan dan teori gaya kepimpinan Islam dan pihak Barat. Seterusnya dengan dalil dan kupasan dari al-Quran dan perbahasan para ulama Islam membongkar asal-usul teori kepimpinan Barat yang sebenarnya diadaptasikan dari teori kepimpinan Islam. Islam yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW sejak lebih 1400 tahun yang lalu telah membina asaskepimpinan yang kukuh dan mewariskan kepada kepimpinan berikutnya sehinggalah secara terancang sama ada sedar atau tidak disedari umat Islam, inti pati teori kepimpinan Islam tersebut telah disadur oleh Barat melalui pelbagai teknik dan cara.Kata Kunci: gaya kepimpinan, kepimpinan Islam, kepimpinan Barat ABSTRACT Whatever discoveries by the West have been highly applauded and emulated by communities in the world. However, many do not realize that the achievements and progress have been triggered by other parties and just being recreated by the west. This conceptual study was aimed to demonstrate that the theory of leadership styles held by the West has been adapted from the theory of Islamic leadership styles. It has been transformed to a new image, vanishing the origin and image of Islam. This statement was in line with Abu Daud studies (2009: 17-20) which has pointed out one of the earliest group of Iowa University has identified three types of leadership style as autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire (Lewin & Lippit, 1938). Abu Daud (2009: 17-20) also stressed, this was a landmark study that has been able to identify the earliest leadership style in the west. The study also analyzes the theory of leadership and theory of leadership styles in Islam and the West. Evidence and excerpts from the Quran and debates among Islamic scholars reveal the origin of the theory of leaderships of the West which has been derived from leadership theory of Islam. Islam, preached by the Prophet Muhammad more than 1,400 years ago, has built a strong foundation of leadership styles and been passed on to the next generation of the Moslems. However, the Moslems are oblivious to the fact that the essence of the leadership theory has been adapted by the West through various techniques. Keywords: leadership style, Islamic leadership, Western leadershi


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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti keberkesanan kokurikulum berkredit dalam memperkasakan kemahiran insaniah dalam kalangan pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi awam di Malaysia. Kajian juga bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti penguasaan kemahiran insaniah dalam kalangan pelajar-pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi awam mengikut jantina. Subjek terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar universiti daripada beberapa buah universiti di Malaysia yang berumur antara 17 hingga 44 tahun terdiri daripada pelajar lelaki (N= 440) dan perempuan (N= 560). Dapatan menunjukkan pelajar-pelajar menguasai kemahiran insaniah mengikut keutamaan adalah kemahiran kerja berpasukan, kemahiran profesionalisme, nilai, sikap dan etika, kemahiran pendidikan sepanjang hayat, kemahiran kepimpinan, kemahiran berfikiran kritis dan penyelesaian masalah, kemahiran berkomunikasi dan kemahiran keusahawanan.Kata Kunci: keberkesanan, Kemahiran Insaniah, berkomunikasi, kerja berpasukan, sikap beretika ABSTRACT(THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COCURRICULAR COURSES WITH CREDITS IN EMPOWERING THE SOFT SKILLS OF STUDENTS IN HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTIONS)The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of credited co-curricular courses in empowering students at higher learning institutions with necessary soft skills. This study also aimed to identify the mastery of soft skills among students at public higher learning institutions based on gender. The subjects comprised male (N= 40) and female (N= 560) students aged between 17 and 44 years old from selected universities in Malaysia. The findings showed that the students’ mastery of soft skills in order of priority are teamwork skills, professionalism skills, values, attitudes and ethics, lifelong learning skills, leadership skills, critical thinking and problem solving skills, communication skills and entrepreneurship skills.Keywords: effectiveness, soft skill, communication, team work, ethic attitud